Take Full Website Screenshots with the Self Hosted Website Shot

Use Website Shot to take full size screenshots of websites. Self host it on your own server using docker quick and easy.

Introducing Website Shot: Easy Full Page Screenshots with Docker

Im currently working on a new and upgraded version of the repo that will have more features than the old version, hoping i get some free time to finish it and publish it to the public soon!

Gone are the days of stitching multiple images together in Photoshop or investing in a vertical-view monitor just for full-page screenshots. Enter Website Shot, a brand-new solution that you can even self-host using Docker. This tool makes it incredibly easy to capture full-page screenshots hassle-free.

Website Shot

Check out Website Shot on Github

Getting Started

To generate a full web-page screenshot, Website Shot provides a rich interface for making web screenshots online for free, with no limits. Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Paste the URL of the website you want a screenshot of into the input field.
  2. Select your options.
  3. Press the button.

And that's it! Here's a screenshot taken using the Website Shot demoWebsite shot interface

Docker Support

Here's a Docker Compose stack for easy deployment:

version: '3.3'
            - '3000:3000'
            - '/screenshots:/usr/src/website-shot/screenshots'
        image: flowko1/website-shot

You can choose to either save the screenshots to the server, right-click and save to disk, or open the screenshot in a new browser tab for full resolution viewing.


If the website takes time to load or has a lot of images, you can adjust the delay in which the script takes the screenshot.

Practical Uses

This tool is extremely useful for web developers needing full-page screenshots for presentations and examples. It's also handy for anyone who requires clean website screenshots without extra clutter on the screen. Say goodbye to cropping with traditional screenshot software.


Keep in mind that Website Shot can't capture screenshots of pages requiring authentication, such as personal bank pages or email inboxes. Authentication-restricted pages are not supported.

Final Thoughts

Website Shot is an excellent tool for quickly capturing full website screenshots. It's ideal for blog posts, news articles, and front page snapshots. The Docker image is simple to spin up, allowing you to have it set up and running on your own server in just a few seconds. Explore the Website Shot demo and take it for a test drive!

Note: The demo page may not be up to date with the Docker image used, and the developer is still making changes as of this writing.